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The original online UK specialist retailer in Running Buggies. Here to help you know which is the right running buggy for you & your baby from a fellow buggy running mum.

Blog articles & running buggy accessories too.

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2 Mums running Terrain and Thule glide Running Buggies low res no logo.jpg


Helpful articles, sometimes interviews and maybe even personal experiences written by us on all things buggy running related.

Which UK Running Buggies are suitable from birth?

Wendy Rumble

Having a buggy that's suitable for running with, or even walking off road, doesn't mean you have to have a separate buggy.  Too many people end up with a garage full of buggies; newborn, off road, umbrella stroller type and that before a double comes into it!

Raising the awareness that you can buy 1 buggy that does everything, (including running) is a mission of mine in order to enable more families to be active at a time when fitting in exercise is tough.

It's worth highlighting that manufacturer's recommend you don't run with a baby until 6, or 9 months depending on the buggy.  But that doesn't mean you can't have one that suitable for when the time is right!

The key quality to look for in a buggy that's suitable for both running and urban use is having a swivel front wheel so you can manoeuvre it in tight spaces.  Then when you want to go a bit faster, you would fix it straight for stability at speed.

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Practical advice for when you start buggy running

Wendy Rumble

Excited.... nervous? its a mixed bag when trying out buggy running for the first time.  We cover off recommendations for how to start back running and when is the right time for baby.  Also a range of top tips to manage the risk of your baby crying when you are out for a buggy run!

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Race tips from a Buggy Running mum!

Wendy Rumble

As write this I'm nervous about a run, or race as the organizers call it tomorrow morning.  It's my first cross country race since school.  I've done no hill training and all I can think about is being overweight and under prepared!

However, experience tells me that I often can get anxious pre-race and the mind demons can start the momentum of self-doubt.  And I know many other people can feel the same.  And normally when I’m in this place i want reassurance and race prep tips to help me feel ready.

Despite my lack of experience on the trails, I have done a fair few road races (although in the crowds not any special times!) so here are my tips to anyone who feels the need to read some to help relax.  We are all different however so you may think these are rubbish!  Sorry I wasted your time if this is the case!

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Helpful blogs for the buggy runner- 2016 Best of! 👊

Wendy Rumble

Here are my top 5 most popular blogs in 2016.  I write short pieces in order to provide independent information, from one running mum to anyone who might be interested.  I'm no writer, comedian. professional athlete or healthcare expert.  I'm just a mum who has run with my children in most of the best running buggies in the UK.

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The funny things people say in Reception at the House of Commons

Wendy Rumble


Recently while explaining my business ( to a random stranger in a reception waiting room, I was challenged with 'by encouraging mum's to run with their buggies was I putting pressure on them to be Supermum.'  I'm familiar with the pressure that mum's are under these days to manage; jobs, home's, cooking, children and maybe even their appearance (if they have time for that) becuase I am a working mum with 2 small children so i'm in this world and experiencing this challenging 'phase' (please tell me it gets easier).

I found this idea this i'm putting mums under pressure to be supermum, baffling and instantly I panicked, desperately hoping people didn't think this of me.  I'm one of those people that always wants to be liked.  


The essence of my business and my mission, is to enable parents to have a buggy which enables them to have the freedom to run when they want, with their little one.  I believe that not enough people know about this as an option in the UK unlike in the United States or Australia.  Buggies are confusing and I want to help parents find the right one to suit their needs if they want to run with it.  This is my passion and why I have worked in all my spare time to build this business over the past year.

I do not judge parents who choose not to exercise.  I have many close friends and family members who don't.  Those parents will be doing many things far better than I am.  I'm in no doubt that their homes will be cleaner, tidier, with fuller fridges and better meals provided for their families.


I'm certainly not a supermum.  Every day I feel so tired I want to lie on the floor and go to sleep.  My children push me to my limits on a daily basis.  They scream in public and I shout in public.  With Running Buggies I'm not judging.  I don't mind if you run fast, run often.  I just want parents to know that if they do want to run when they have young children there are buggy options to enable this to happen safely and create some time for running.  Because running endorphin's are AMAZING and by god do you need them when you are sleep deprived!

On that note .... nuff said, i'm off to bed.


Britax BOB Revolution - A great option for a universal use buggy

Wendy Rumble

Many people ask me, Wendy the Founder of, what my favourite buggy is? Well my first running buggy was the BOB Revolution, the number 1 running buggy brand in the States.  So when I launched the first specialist retailer of running buggies in the UK I was keen to introduce more parents to this fabulous buggy, the BOB.

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Top tips for Winter Buggy Running

Wendy Rumble

It’s one of the deep set topics that I didn’t understand before having children. Keeping your small children warm (much like them being fed) is such a powerful need/concern, it’s like an emotional tug on the heart, not just a task.

So, when you consider taking them out in the wind, rain and cold for some fresh air and to get you some exercise, then it’s only too right that you spend some time getting the set up sorted.  Once you get into the routine it becomes second nature of course.

My girls are 4 and nearly 2.  I have run with both from an early age and this includes in winter.  I set up in 2015 because i wanted to help more parents in the UK discover running buggies as an option to keep fit when you have young children.  I have learnt through trial and error what works in winter and here are my top tips for you.

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Buggyfit Founder guest blog: Running with a buggy for pregnant & postnatal Mums

Wendy Rumble

Pregnant and postnatal women are now encouraged to exercise a little every day, with the same guidelines from the government as the rest of the population. This is fantastic; however there is now much research we should take heed of. When and how should we go about getting started? BY Emma Redding, Buggyfit founder.

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My sub 4 hour marathon training plan & top tip's from a running mum

Wendy Rumble


It goes without saying that training for a marathon when you work and have kids is tricky. BUT it IS possible.  And it's possible to run faster and do better than you ever have.  On 30th Oct 2016 I was over the moon to beat my pre baby marathon PB of 4.08 at the Washington Marine Corps with a 3.49 time.

So what did I do?

 - I printed off a plan and followed it very loosely!  (Link at the bottom of the blog)

- What I did stick to was the long run distance every weekend of that scheduled week.  It has more long 20m runs than other plans I had followed which I think was good.

- I didn't manage all the runs listed during the week. Prob 2 runs Monday to Friday. One about 4/5 miles (often with a buggy) and the other a quicker one.  


- I didn't do any hills training because it hurt my knee.  I did have to batttle a knee injury at the start and also a chest infection a month out from the race which meant no running for over 2 weeks.

- I picked an autumn marathon so I could train in the summer months.  Much easier with lighter days and warmer temperatures.  

- I joined a running club and did about 5 weeks worth of speed sessions with them rather than having to think about it myself!   I think getting used to running quicker played a big part.  If you are running less often every run has to count. 

- I did a Saturday parkrun with the kids in the running buggy. 


- If there was time for a short errand/school run with the buggy I'd do it. 2/3 miles is better than nothing. 

- I was lighter! About a stone lighter than my last marathon.  Less weight to carry about does make me a quicker runner I think.  But in terms of diet the changes I made were more protein at breakfast, no bread for lunch and nutribullet smoothies everyday to pack the nutrients in.  

- Before I started my training schedule I was doing regular weekly circuits classes to get my core strength and pelvic floor in good shape.  


- I love treats and did still eat chocolate and crisps and takeaways occasionally. 

- I gave up booze in the 6 weeks run up to the race.  This was really hard for me as I love a drink to unwind at the end of the day BUT knowing I wasn't running as much as the plan said because I couldn't find the time, I had to make every small sacrifice possible to give it a shot. 

 - I got some new trainers from my local running store (Runners Retreat in Marlow) which didn't give me one blister the entire time!  (A miracle as I always used to get them!) I ran in Brooks Ghost's 

 Good luck! I'm not a trained running guide, health professional, just a runner mum who is happy to share my experience!  For any specific questions don't hesitate to email me on 


Running Buggies, babies and boobies

Wendy Rumble

Boobydoo, an independent U.K. online company, who specialise in sports bras recently invited me, buggy running mum of 2, to try out the Shock Absorber Ultimate Run Bra, £39.95 RRP.  Identified by these sports bra enthusiasts as perfect for my high impact buggy running needs I was keen to give it a good test.

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How to return to exercise after having a baby?

Wendy Rumble

Some things will never be the same again. But actually, just to give you hope (definitely NOT trying to be Little Miss Brag-a-lot)  I'm in better physical shape than I have ever been as an adult. I weigh a stone less and I'm more toned.  (I'm not selling crazy shakes.)  The POINT of that was to say please ignore the folks that say you will always be bigger post birth and that you won't be able to fit in exercise into your day.  

Sure being tired makes sensible eating and exercising MORE of an effort but it IS possible. My advice (as a mum of 2 kids under 4 and juggling 2 jobs) is find a sensible eating approach that works for you (mine is Joe Wicks, Body Coach recipes) ... And no I don't get royalties! 

And fit in a little exercise when you can. A little something every day, be it a mum's buggy class, a run/walk or just some pelvic floor exercises to start with. Try and remember that no matter how tired you are, if you have been up all night feeding, looking after poorly kids etc, exercise WILL make you feel more awake, happier and overall more capable of coping with the rest of your exhausting day!

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Dads, earn brownie points while you exercise (BUGGY RUN)

Wendy Rumble

I don’t need to tell you fitting in exercise guilt free when you are a parent is a challenge.   So let’s cut to the chase - the best solution to all this is to go running and to take your little one(s) with you in a buggy that’s suitable for running. 

Here are our top ten reasons if you weren’t convinced already....

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