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Double running buggy options in the UK

Now in many cases I like to think I live in a progressive nation, rule Britannia and all... 

However, as anyone who has twins or children with a close age gap will discover, there is a real lack of double running buggy options available.  In this day and age you would think that here in the U.K. we would get what's sold in the USA, or even Europe when it comes to buggies.  Sadly no.  So much so, that I started a petition last year to get manufacturer's to bring the models they had in Europe or the USA, here.  Since then Out 'n' About have launched their's.  (More info at the bottom of this piece)

Unfortunately it's more expensive to make buggies for the UK due to the extra strict fire retardant regulations which should be applied to anything that comes in the home.  I'm told we should blame the fire of London, if you believe that!

Britax who own the BOB have discontinued their running doubles (Duallie) in the U.K. in all variants (Ironman, Revolution and Sport Utility) and the ones still knocking about are pretty heavy and don't fit through doorways.  

I used to have a fixed front wheel BOB Sport Utility and it was pretty hard to lift to steer with a 4 yr old and 18 month old in.

From that I went to the THULE Chariot Cougar and then more recently their updated model, Thule Chariot Cross 2.  

This is a bike trailer which converts into a running buggy, stroller or even ski buggy, with the right attachments!  So in weight terms it's similar to the BOB doubles, but it is far easier to steer and push. It's a really smooth ride and perfect for older kids because the front completely closes over.  Raincover is included and seat’s individually recline slightly!  And no risking lost iPads, toys etc. But being a multi sport trailer, it's pricey.

However it's a hard wearing piece of kit and will last and last.  Because of this resale value is also strong.  Overall this type of double is my preference with my two girls, as it accommodates the eldest better.

In other countries Thule have a double Urban Glide and this is coming to the U.K. in April 2018!  This is a swivel front wheel double buggy which all the features for running that you would need.  Contact for more details.

The British company, Out 'n' About have a very popular (non running buggy). model called the 360 double which has many features of a running buggy EXCEPT the handbrake and the rear wheel being 16 inch. And obviously as it not designed for running with, any damage caused by running wouldn't be covered under warranty.

In 2016 they merged the design of their popular Single Nipper Sport v4 with their 360 double to create a light, fixed front wheel double running buggy.  It has 16 inch wheels all round to provide a smooth ride and can fit through doorways!

Like all the Out 'n' About buggies,  the Sport Double comes with a free rain cover so overall works out to be hundreds of pounds cheaper than the bike trailer option. It's very light (11.5kgs) which is always a benefit when pushing two kids and especially when steering a fixed front wheel, which needs lifting up.  It's folds in half so will fit in most car boots plus has a handbrake to slow you down if needed down hill.  At the moment it's sole colour option is in steel grey. 

It's a really fab double running buggy and great value.  

I (Wendy) started up Running Buggies .Com in 2015 in order to help parents find their perfect running buggy.  I'm always delighted to answer questions as I'm a Buggy nerd, and if you are looking for a community to ask questions then I also run the group THE ORIGINAL BUGGY RUNNERS on Facebook.