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How to return to exercise after having a baby?

Some things will never be the same again. (Sunday lie in's that's for sure) But actually, just to give you hope (definitely not trying to be a Little Miss Brag-a-lot)  I'm in better physical shape than I have ever been as an adult. I weigh a stone less and I'm more toned.  (I'm not selling crazy shakes.)

The POINT of that was to say please ignore the folks that say you will always be bigger post birth and that you won't be able to fit in exercise into your day.  

Sure being tired makes sensible eating and exercising MORE of an effort but it IS possible. My advice (as a mum of 2 kids under 4 and juggling 2 jobs) is find a diet approach that works for you (mine is Joe Wicks, Body Coach) ... And no I don't get royalties!

And fit in a little exercise when you can. A little something every day, be it a mums buggy class, a run/walk or some pelvic floor exercises. Try and remember that no matter how tired you are, if you have been up all night feeding, looking after poorly kids etc, exercise will make you feel more awake, happier and overall more capable of coping with the rest of your exhausting day!

Guinness World Record breaker for Buggy Running a half marathon recently, Lindsy James, even started back using the couch to 5k program (see our interview with her). 

So it's such a great idea to following something similar.  There are lots of apps now which support you in this and videos on the NHS website

Here is some advice from Trainer and Olympian dad, Toby Garbett.

4 top tips for regaining fitness post-baby are:

1) Don’t be afraid to get started. When our baby was very young we heard quite a lot of people saying that my partner should wait several months before starting to exercise. However, I believe that the demands that pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding take on your body make you far more likely to become stiff and develop injury if you do not rehab it properly. It is fine to start as soon as you are ready, but remember to go gently to begin with. It may be that your first session is just a ten minute walk; this will slowly improve as your body recovers and your confidence increases. Just remember that your body is still under the influence of hormones that make your ligaments more lax than usual, so never to do anything that is painful or feels wrong.

2) Exercise in a group. Especially in those early days, having a tiny baby can be quite isolating. I’m no stranger to the situation where it takes an hour to actually leave the house, once the baby has been changed, fed, changed again etc!! Its no wonder that some new mums don’t feel its worth the effort. To help keep you motivated, try and find a local group of new mums who will understand these struggles (and forgive you for being an hour late!) and arrange to meet regularly. Meeting with friends and doing exercise are both great ways to help stave off postnatal depression.

3) Don’t be too regimented. In my partners first fitness sessions back, she probably spent as much time feeling the baby or popping to the loo than she did actually exercising! Don’t let this put you off-it is all to be expected. Even if you manage 15 minutes in every hour set aside for fitness this is a great start.

4) Start with your core. The changes of pregnancy and then effects of childbirth take their toll on your core muscles, including your pelvic floor. Whatever your fitness level pre-pregnancy, start with some basic core stability exercises and ensure you are doing these well before moving onto any more advanced moves. Strengthening your core will help to protect you from injury and will help you when you are lifting that heavy car seat in and out out of the car!! Many women are embarrassed by their pelvic floor problems and this can prevent them from feeling able to exercise.

Toby runs an all abilities welcome, mum's buggy bootcamp on Friday's at 9.45am in Henley.  Contact TOBY to find out more and book.

Please contact ME for advice on Running Buggies! HERE! It's my favourite subject!

We feel obligated to share that Running is not responsible for any quotes from others featured on this site.  Manufacturers recommend you do not run with a baby in a running buggy until 6 months and standard medical advice states to wait for your doctors sign off at the 6-8 weeks post natal check.